Flubenverm Powder
Pharmacological Group : Antihelmintics


Flubenverm is indicated for the treatment of Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Capillaria obsignata & Trichostrongylus tenuis sensitive to flubendazole in chickens, turkeys and geese. Flubenverm is used also for the treatment of Syngamus trachea in chickens and turkeys, Cyathostoma bronchialis & Amidostomum anseris in geese and Raillietina cesticillus in chickens.

Withdrawl Period

Meat of chickens, turkeys and geese at dose rate of 30 gm / tonne : 7 days. Eggs of chickens, turkeys and geese at dose rate of 30 gm / tonne : Nil. Eggs of chickens at dose rate of 60 gm / tonne: 7 days.


Each 1 gram contains: Flubendazole 25 mg.


500 gm, 1 Kg.


Treatment of nematodes : Chickens and Geese: 1.2 kg Flubenverm / tonne of feed continuously for 7 days. Turkeys: 0.8 kg Flubenverm / tonne of feed continuously for 7 days. Treatment of cestodes in chickens: 2.4 kg Flubenverm / tonne of feed continuously for 7 days.

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