Colitrim injection
Pharmacological Group : Antibiotics


COLITRIM injection is indicated for cattle, horses, dogs and cats for the treatment of: • Respiratory tract infections such as rhinitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. • Urogenital tract infections including cystitis, vaginitis, urethritis, nephritis and metritis. • Alimentary tract infections as neonatal diarrhea and salmonellosis. TARGET SPECIES: Non-lactating cattle, Horses, Dogs, and Cats.

Withdrawl Period

• Cattle meat: 12 days.


Each ml contains: Sulphadiazine sodium 200 mg. (Equivalent to Sulphadiazine base 183.85 mg.) Trimethoprim 40 mg.


Cattle: 1ml COLITRIM injection per 15 kg bodyweight by intramuscular or slow intravenous injection. Horses: 1ml COLITRIM injection per 15 kg bodyweight by slow intravenous injection. Dogs and Cats: 1ml COLITRIM injection per 7.5 kg body weight by subcutaneous injection. • A single injection may be sufficient in uncomplicated conditions, but in severe infections, it may be repeated daily for up to 5 days.


• Not used for animals showing hypersensitivity to sulphonamides. • Not used for animals with severe liver parenchymal damage. • Not used for animals with severe kidney disease or blood dyscrasias. • Not used in lactating cattle.

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