Sulpha Plus
Pharmacological Group : Antibiotics


Sulpha plus is a combination of trimethoprim and sulfadoxine used in Cattle and Horses for the treatment of: Cattle: 1- Respiratory tract infections (bacterial pneumonias including bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis, shipping fever). 2- Alimentary tract infections (primary enteric and septicaemic colibacillosis and salmonellosis). 3- Other infections (infectious pododermatitis as foot rot, foul in the foot).


Injectable solution Each 1 ml SULPHA PLUS contains: Sulfadoxine 200 mg. Trimethoprim 40 mg.


100 ml.


Cattle: 3 ml Sulpha Plus /50 kg.b.wt for 3 – 5 days by IM (Preferred) or IV injection. Horses: 3 ml Sulpha Plus /50 kg.b.wt for 3 – 5 days by slow IV (Preferred) or IM injection.

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