Pharmacological Group : Feed Additives


Since time in memorial, extracts from various plants have been used in folklore medicine for healing. Plants like eucalyptus, peppermint and chamomile are well known for their impact in healing many respiratory tract syndromes. Globamint is a water soluble concentrate, formulated based on a combination of essential oils of plant origin. The main components are the essential oils of eucalyptus and peppermint. Eucalyptus oils have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activities. They inhibit the cyclooxygenase, the main enzyme in the prostaglandin pathway, and thus exhibit an anti-inflammatory property; moreover, they have a cough inhibiting effect. Orally administered, eucalyptus oils are thus used to alleviate cough, throat inflammations, bronchial catarrh and fever. Their main active component , the 1.8- cineol , stop the release of certain ” messenger ” molecules , so-called mediators of inflammatory reactions , thus preventing the production and secretion of the mucus . The alcoholic constituent of the peppermint oil, namely the menthol, acts as a local anesthetic and a disinfectant. Inhaled menthol alleviates laryngitis and bronchitis. Experimentally, Globamint has proved effective against the Newcastle disease virus, infectious Bronchitis Virus, Avian Influenza virus, and Mycoplasma gallisepticum. The emulsifier present in the Globamint results in a homogeneous oil in water emulsion with proven stability and easiness of its dilution for administration in drinking water or as a fine spray.

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