Curaflke (Oral)
Pharmacological Group : Anthelmintics


Curafluke permits a three way activity against Fluke, Lungworms and Stomach Worms in Cattle and Sheep. It is a broad spectrum anthelmintic for the treatment of benzimidazole susceptible mature and immature stages of nematodes and cestodes of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts of cattle and sheep. Rafoxanide is active against mature and immature Fasciola sp over 8 weeks of age. Cattle & Sheep Haemonchus sp., Ostertagia sp., Trichostrongylus sp., Cooperia sp., Nematodirus sp., Bunostomum sp., Trichuris sp., Strongyloides sp., Oesophagostomum sp., Dictyocaulus sp., Moniezia sp., Fasciola sp. Curafluke has a good therapeutic effect against type II Ostertagiasis.


Fenbendazole 50 mg Rafoxanide 50 mg B.P. (vet)' 85 Nipagin 1 mg Nipasol 0.1 mg


The product is filled in plastic 1 -liter and 2.5 -liter containers.


The recommended therapeutic dose of Fenbendazole and Rafoxanide is 7.5 mg/kg bodyweight for sheep and 11.25 mg/kg bodyweight for cattle. For oral administration in cattle & sheep. Shake well before use. Estimate bodyweight carefully. Use only properly calibrated dosing equipment.

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