Drinkmix Amoxycillin
Pharmacological Group : Antibiotics


The use of amoxycillin is indicated against infections caused by Gram-positive and Gram-negative micro-organisms.

Withdrawl Period

Calves: 10 days Pigs: 10 days Poultry: 7 days


Per g: amoxycillin trihydrate 150 mg




Drinkmix Amoxycillin should be administered orally, via medicated drinking water for pigs and poultry or via the medicated milk replacer for non-ruminating calves in the following dosage: Calves: 0.5 g of Drinkmix Amoxycillin per 10 kg of body weight, twice daily (1 g daily), to be administered in the milk replacer, for 3 – 5 consecutive days. Pigs: 1 g of Drinkmix Amoxycillin per 10 kg of body weight daily or 1000 g of Drinkmix Amoxycillin per 1000 litres of drinking water, for 3 – 5 consecutive days. Poultry: 1000 g of Drinkmix Amoxycillin per 1000 litres of drinking water for 3 – 5 consecutive days.


Do not administer to rabbits and all rodents. Do not administer to laying hens.

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