E- Sel vit
Pharmacological Group : Vitamins and Minerals


Vitamin E and/or selenium deficiency in poultry, calves, lambs, sheep, and goats Encephalo-malacia (Crazy Chick Disease) Improvement of chick viability Helps to maintain and sustain the integrity of the structural tissue Supports the development of the nervous system. Decreased hatchability & egg production. Enhance Vitamin A. metabolism. Vitammin E is used to increase weight gain and to improve meat quality. It helps in better transfer of Vitamin E & selenium to egg and semen leading to improvement of egg quality Decrease Embryonic mortality. Placental retention and Muscular dystrophy (White Muscle Disease, Stiff Lamb Disease), Exudative diathesis (generalised oedematous condition), Vitamin E plays an important role as immumo-stimulant, so it is used during and after treatment of animals and poultry from bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases. Vitamin E acts as antioxidant, so it is added to feed containing high percentage of fats to prevent rancidity and to protect fatty tissues from oxidation.


Contains 1 litre contains: Vitamin E (α-Tocopherol acetate) 200 gm Sodium Selenite 450 mg Propylene Glycol 50 gm polysorbate 80 100 gm EDTA 5 gm Distilled Water up to litre


1 liter


For oral administration via drinking water. Poultry : 0.5 / litre of drinking water during 3- 5 days. Calves, lambs, sheep, goats: 1 ml per 10 kg bodyweight during 3- 5 days.

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