Ketocure injection
Pharmacological Group : Anti-inflammatories and Antipyretics


In horses Ketocure is indicated for : The alleviation of inflammation and pain associated with musculo-skeletal disorders and alleviation of visceral pain associated with colic in horses. In cattle Ketocure is indicated for: The supportive treatment of parturient paresis associated with calving. Reducing the pyrexia and distress associated with bacterial respiratory disease when used in conjunction with antimicrobial therapy as appropriate. Improving the recovery rate in acute clinical mastitis, including acute endotoxin mastitis, caused by gram negative micro-organisms, in conjunction with antimicrobial therapy. Reducing oedema of the udder associated with calving. In dogs and cats Ketocure is indicated for: The alleviation of inflammation, lameness and pain due to osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, disc disease, spondylosis, panosteitis, trauma, and related musculoskeletal diseases. The management of post-surgical pain. The symptomatic treatment of fever. Target Species: Horses, Cattle, Dogs and Cats.

Withdrawl Period

Cattle: Milk: Zero hours Meat: Following I/V : 1 day. Following I/M : 4 days.


Each 1 ml contains: Ketoprofen 100 mg.


10, 20, 50, 100, 250 ml.


Horses: By intravenous injection Musculoskeletal disorders: 1 ml / 45 kg B.wt. once daily for 3 – 5 days. Equine colic: 1 ml / 45 kg B.wt. Repeat dose once only. Cattle: By intramuscular or intravenous injection 1 ml / 33 kg B.wt. once daily for up to 3 days. Dogs: By subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous injection 1 ml / 50 kg B.wt. once daily for up to 3 days. Cats: by subcutaneous injection 1 ml / 50 kg B.wt. once daily for up to 3 days


Do not use in animals showing hypersensitivity to ketoprofen. Do not administer to animals with cardiac, renal or hepatic diseases. Do not administer to pregnant mares.

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