The Optimal Diuretic For Kidney Problems
Bird with no renal function will likely die within 36 hours. Enlargement of the kidneys has been reported in a number of common infectious diseases e.g. Newcastle disease (Rohrer, 1946; Potel, 1950), ornithosis(Beasley et al., 1959, 1958), pasteurellosis (Kauppand Dearstane, 1925), pullorumdisease,Clostridium,Staphylococcus
spp.,Streptococcus spp ,.E. coli, Salmonella spp., Mycobacterium avium, Reovirus, infectious bursal disesea. Also kidney may be affected due other non-infective causes as Antibiotics, such as sulfas and aminoglycosides, are eliminated from the body via the kidneys and are potentially nephrotoxic so it necessary to Maintains optimal kidney health, removes metabolic waste and excess water & washes out toxins.
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