Tramazole 10%
Pharmacological Group : Anthelmintics


In sheep: it is active against benzimidazole-susceptible strains of the following species: Roundworms:Ostertagia, Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Nematodirus (including N. battus), Chabertia and Oesophagostomum. It is usually effective against inhibited larvae of Ostertagia. Lungworms:Dictyocaulus filaria. Tapeworms:Moniezia spp. Adult Liver Fluke: Fasciola hepatica. In cattle: it is active against the following species: Roundworms:Ostertagia, Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Nematodirus, Oesophagostomum, Bunostomum, Cooperia and Strongyloides spp. It is usually effective against inhibited larvae of Cooperia and Ostertagia. Lungworms:Dictyocaulus viviparus. Tapeworms:Moniezia spp. Adult Liver Fluke: Fasciola hepatica


A 10% suspension of Albendazole Each ml contains 100 mg Albendazole.


The product is filled in plastic 1 liter containers.


For oral administration only using properly calibrated dosing equipment. Estimate bodyweight accurately. Sheep: For the control of roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms and fluke and roundworm eggs, 5 mg Albendazole per kg bodyweight which is equivalent to 1.0 ml Tramazole 10% per 20 kg bodyweight. For the additional treatment of adult liver fluke (chronic fascioliasis) in sheep, 7.5 mg Albendazole per kg bodyweight which is equivalent to 1.5 ml Tramazole 10% per 20 kg bodyweight. Cattle: For the control of roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms and fluke and roundworm eggs, 7.5 mg Albendazole per kg bodyweight which is equivalent to 7.5 ml Tramazole 10% per 100 kg bodyweight. For the additional treatment of adult liver fluke (chronic fascioliasis) in cattle, 10 mg Albendazole per kg bodyweight which is equivalent to 10 ml Tramazole 10% per 100 kg bodyweight. Dosage Guide CATTLE Bodyweight Worm Dose (7.5 mg/kg) Fluke & Worm (10 mg/kg) 100 kg 7.5 ml 10 ml 200 kg 15.0 ml 20 ml 300 kg 22.5 ml 30 ml SHEEP Bodyweight Worm Dose (5 mg/kg) Fluke & Worm (7.5 mg/kg) Up to 20 kg 1 ml 1.5 ml 21 - 40 kg 2 ml 3.0 ml 41 - 36 kg 3 ml 4.5 ml


- Animals intended for human consumption must not be slaughtered during treatment. - Cattle must not be slaughtered for human consumption until 14 days after last treatment. - Sheep must not be slaughtered for human consumption until 4 days after last treatment. - Milk intended for human consumption may be taken from cows only after 60 hours from the last treatment. - Do not use in sheep producing milk for human consumption. - Do not dose ewes at the 'fluke & worm" dose rate, (7.5 mg/kg), during tupping or for 1 month after removing the rams. - Care must be taken not to damage the pharyngeal region when dosing, particularly in sheep. - Assess bodyweight as accurately as possible before calculating the dosage. Intensive use or misuse of anthelmintic can give rise to resistance. To reduce this risk dosing programs should be discussed with your veterinary surgeon.

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