Tremazanide Suspension
Pharmacological Group : Antihelmintics


Tremazanide is indicated for the treatment of Fascioliasis (Adult liver fluke) caused by Fasciola spp. Tremazanide also indicated for the treatment of tapeworms (Moniezia spp.).

Withdrawl Period

Meat: 14 days. Milk: 3 days for cattle.


Each 1 ml contains: Oxyclozanide 34 mg.


0.5, 1, 2, 2.5, 3 & 4 liters.


Administer as an oral drench and shake well before use. Cattle: Animals from 50 to 350 kg B.Wt : 15 ml of Tremazanide per 50 kg B.Wt. Animals over 350 kg B.Wt: 100 ml Tremazanide regardless of the weight. Sheep & goats: Animals to 15 kg B.Wt : 5 ml of Tremazanide . Animals from 15 to 30 kg B.Wt : 10 ml of Tremazanide . Animals from 30 to 45 kg B.Wt : 15 ml of Tremazanide . Animals over than 45 kg B.Wt : 20 ml of Tremazanide regardless of the weight.


Animals should not be slaughtered for human consumption during treatment. Not used in lactating sheep.

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