Triclafluke Suspension
Pharmacological Group : Antihelmintics


Cattle : For the treatment and control of liver fluke infections in cattle caused by all stages of triclabendazole susceptible Fasciola hepatica from 2 week old immature to adult fluke. Sheep : For the treatment and control of liver fluke infections in sheep caused by all stages of triclabendazole susceptible Fasciola hepatica from 2 day old immature to adult fluke. Target Species: Cattle & Sheep.

Withdrawl Period

Meat of cattle: 56 days. Meat of sheep: 35 days.


Each 1 ml contains: Triclabendazole 100 mg.


500, 1000 & 4500 ml.


For active ingredient: Cattle: 12 mg of triclabendazole / kg.b.wt. Sheep: 10 mg of triclabendazole / kg.b.wt. For whole product: Cattle : 12 ml of Triclafluke suspension / 100 kg.b.wt. to be given orally as a single dose. Sheep: 10 ml of Triclafluke suspension / 100 kg.b.wt. to be given orally as a single dose.


Not used for dairy cattle producing milk for human consumption. Not used for dairy cattle and sheep after the start of dry period.

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